About cboyer

After retiring from a 35 year medical sign language interpreting profession that was often surrounded by physical and mental trauma, photography has brought a peaceful balance back into my life. The deaf customers I served taught me the beauty and mystery of communicating through body and sign language. Something that is often overlooked in societal norms with the emphasis often being on the spoken word. Nature photography has opened up that door again, by revealing what Creator and Mother Nature communicate so brilliantly when we look and listen.

Thanks for visiting. —-See shopping options below

-To see Collection images, click on the White arrow at the bottom of the home page. The first Salmon Mushroom image, has only one image. All others have multiple images- simply scroll down.
*Greeting cards and photos are available for purchase.
*. If you see something you’d like, feel free to e-mail me.
Under card sets for sale-
Card sets= $ 17. For 5 cards/envelopes -includes shipping.
Card set= $ 26. For 8 cards/envelopes -includes shipping.
Single card= $ 5. Includes envelope and shipping.